Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Happy News Vol. 3 Issue 12

The Man And his Woman. Sorry, Gals, Mr. Dempsey is taken. But his lovely wife, Jillian works for Avon! Look for her get makeup tips in each brochure.

The Happy News Vol. 3 Issue 12
Thanksgiving is almost here and as we count our blessings with family and friends during this holiday season, let's not forget to be thankful for all the things that make us unique and wonderful! It is part of a happy persona to acknowledge the characteristics, talents, skills, traits
that you like about yourself and that make you a unique and valuable person to everyone who enters your world. But guess what? While most of us would say that we are thankful for our unique personal attributes we would also be reluctant to admit that we have many qualities worthy of praise. Well, Happy People, get that idea out of your head right now. As part of counting your blessings this Thanksgiving, I want you to write down at least 25 things that you like about yourself. This may take more than a few minutes but start your list and add things as you think of them. Knowing these things about yourself will make you more confident as you move into the future and face the day to day challenges of life.... it's great to be able to pull out your list when something is getting you down or someone has put you down or maybe you just screwed up (it happens!). Then you will have proof in your hands that you have lots of personal resources to bring to bear on whatever trial is besetting you. Proof that you there is more to you than one negative person's opinion or one mistake you've made. Let me know how many items are on your "25 Things I Like About Me" list by December 3rd and take 25% off one item on your C-25 Avon order.

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