Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again!!!

The Happy News is the 2008 election is history! That's enough to make everyone happy! In my opinion we should be like civilized countries and limit our campaigns to 8 weeks, that would contribute alot to happiness in the USA.

Here are my predictions for the Happiness index for the remainder of 2008. On November 28th we will gather with our families and eat alot, laugh alot and maybe watch a little footbal. Mostly though we will count our blessings... that we have enough and probably more. We can still travel and gather with our loved ones. Grateful that we have family and friends that provide love, support and happy memories to warm our hearts whenever there's a need. From November 29th thru December 24th we will plan and prepare for the Christmas holidays. We'll gather gifts and food and send cards and decorate our homes. We'll get together with friends and wish strangers "Happy Holidays." We'll sing about "Decking the Halls" and "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire." Maybe we'll drop a few extra coins in the Red Kettles or donate some toys or mittens to a local charity so that others can have a better holiday. Some of us might give of our time and help out at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Or make a few extra cookies or rolls for our neighbors or shut-ins that we know. Our happiness quotient always goes up when we help others and when we feel gratitude for our own circumstances. On December 25th we'll gather together again with those we love to celebrate the birth of the One who Loves Us and maybe take a little time to consider our relationship with Him. After "Boxing Day" until December 31st we'll all do as little as possible and maybe spend a little time planning some goals or resolutions for the New Year 2009. I'm never sad to see an old year end even if it has been a good one! The Happiest people have things to look forward to and spend most of their time enjoying life just as it is right now. So enjoy the rest of this lovely autumn, delight in all the sights, sounds, smells and traditions of the coming holidays and keep your heart full of Thanksgiving all the time.

The Happy News is expanding. I've started a new blog at http://thehappynewscde.blogspot.com.
This is The Happy News Child Development Edition. It is a place for me to share all my favorite information about Child Development. If you are parent, a grandparent or a kid (of any age) who has parents or gandparents you might find something interesting or useful there. I hope you will check it out and let me know what you think.

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