Friday, April 22, 2011

The Happy News - Campaign 10

Repairing Sun Damaged Skin

I found the following article on sun damaged skin at

Skin damage from sunlight builds up with continued exposure, whether sunburn occurs or not. By the age of 18 most of us have already accumulated 80 per cent of our lifetime sun exposure and at least 80per cent of what we consider normal skin aging is really sun damage.Pale skin suffers more UVB damage than dark skin, so is most at risk.Mediterranean, dark brown and black skins can usually tolerate more sun, but aging UVA rays are still able to penetrate.

According to dermatologists, the worst kind of sun damage occurs when skin is given a large dose of exposure after months without any at all. So,regardless of how fair or dark the skin, use a high-protection full-spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15 from the beginning of a holiday. Remember that incidental exposure to damaging rays occurs every time your skin is in the sun, whether you are driving in a car with the windows closed on a cloudy day or out on the ski slopes. Treating sun-damaged skin is not all that different to treating aging skin, as the problems are the same. Studies have shown a reversal of sun damage in patients using tretinoin Retin-A creams. Glycolic acid,chemical peels, micro-dermabrasion and laser resurfacing have all been shown to remove fine lines and wrinkles, even out pigmentation and fade brown spots. Fresh elastin and collagen production can be stimulated by topical applications of L-ascorbic acid. Finally,remember skin can repair itself if you give it a chance by staying out of the sun and using a full-spectrum sunscreen.”

Avon's Anew Solar Advance protects and repairs at the same time. The sun will be shining a lot real soon I promise and you will need this product. In fact I get a lot of sun through the windshield and I think I need to be wearing the face lotion every time I get in the car all year round. Order yours now so that you can get the limited time introductory price.

Anew Advanced Retexturizing Peel is the product with glycolic acid that removes fine lines and wrinkles,evens out pigmentation and fades brown spots. On sale for $20 in Campaign 10.

Mojitos for you Feet-os

New Footworks for Happy Feet this summer!

Zesty Lime and Sweet sugar for a mojito-infused pedicure your feet will love. Exfoliating Scrub, Refreshing spray, cooling lotion,4-in-1foot file and inflatable foot spa all for $18.00 - a great pampering gift for a friend or yourself!

Other Happy News for Campaign 10:

The fabulous Princess Ring is still available for $19.99

4pages of sterling silver jewelry on sale see pages 112 -115. Great gifts for grads

Love to the Fullest Sets still available for Mother's Day

Phone Sale:Tuesday, May 3rd- Call in your C-10 order and get 10% off all your Avon Brand products. 712-256-2633. Operators will be standing by.

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