Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Happy News Vol.2 Issue 17

The Happy News is....Staying hydrated not only involves drinking plenty of water but playing in water too. I received this email from my sister Peggy who is sharing quotations from her “Calendar for Women Who Do Too Much” . Today's quote was about “Alone Time” and stated the following: “Women who do too much do it more efficiently, more creatively and better when they take two or three hours completely for themselves once a month. This month, find a way to be in water. Swim, soak in a tub, take a long shower, soak your feet , or even wash dishes by hand – slowly. Let it be known that interruptions are not allowed during these precious times.” This reminds us to be our own best friend. And to be honest if I only had 2 or 3 hours a month to myself... I think I might be nuttier than I am. (but I remember times when “the girls” were babies, that I was lucky to get 5 minutes alone to use the bathroom and I was pretty crazy then. Mercifully I don't remember much about “me” from those days!) It's an individual thing –how much alone time a person needs but for me 2-3 hours a week is more like it. If you are not getting the “alone time” you need to maintain your sanity – maybe a friend can help you set up a plan to share child care or just hold each other accountable for scheduling your weekly/monthly alone time and keeping to your schedule. To help you spend some time playing in water I will offer 15% off on any shower gel. Bubble bath or foot soak. And 10% off Fuller Brush hand dishwashing soap.

January/February Calendar
New Product Pre-Order -Anew Clinical Advanced Dermabrasion System-- $28. A must have treatment for anyone with fine,dry lines, rough texture, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and dark age spots. Try it for 2 weeks then pay only $25 if you like it. Won't be in the brochure until C-4. Available now for my customers. Salon/spa treatments of this caliber cost up to $150 or more.
C-3 order due 1/30/08 by 10 p.m. Last Campaign to order to get gifts before Valentine's Day
Ordering Fuller Brush/Stanley 2/1/08
C-4 order due 2/13/08

Be Your Own Best Friend Drink one half your body weight in ounces of water each day. If you weigh 150 # then you should drink 75 ounces of water to be fully hydrated. Filtered water is best as chlorine kills the good bacteria in your intestine so that you don't get the most nutrition from the food you eat. (see Curves Water Bottle with filtration pg. 70 if you don't currently have a source of filtered water.

Give a Friend a CHEER. Recommend a product/service (Avon or other) to Readers of the Happy News. Suggest a quote or an inspiration that I use in The Happy News and get free gift! This will be an ongoing promotion for 2008. I want to hear from all my Reader Friends this year.

Cheers for Friends and Recommends

Good friend Teresa Phillips recommends Heart Locket Necklace pg. 18 of C-2. This is on a gorgeous 36 inch chain and the locket is big and beautiful. At $14.99 a great big, beautiful bargain.

Reader of the Happy News, Liz Buckley shares a great gift idea. Liz bought a set of nylon tote bags for her daughter for Christmas and had the largest one personalized at “Make It Personal” Embroidery, Screenprinting,Personalized Gifts. Liz was very pleased with the quality of their work and it made a plain tote for her daughter's dance gear into a one of a kind gift. You can get in touch with “Make it Personal” at (402) 557-6733 at 2808 S. 123rd Court Omaha 68144

C-3 Great Deals

CZ Cut Out Heart Earrings only $5.99 with any purchase pg.9

Valentine Gifts 167- back cover

Especially Open Heart 3-pc set pg. 170

Christian LaCroix “Rouge” Shower Gel and Body Lotion both for $15

I still have a few Eau de Parfume sprays left from the Advanced Order of Rouge If you buy the lotion and shower gel pack, I'll give you a 25% discount on the “Rouge” save $8

Imari 5 pc. set on pg 33 first one to order gets the one on my shelf for $15. I also have a 4 piece set for $10. Order right away.

C-4 Sneak Peek

Primary Colors

Sensual Moments

Infiniti Retractable Bristle Brush

New Inspirational Treasures Brochure

New SpaFinder Products

clip here----------------------------------------------_

Page # Qty Item # Description

back cover ______ 370-230 Deep Berry Lip Balm

_______ 380-075 White Chocolate Lip Balm






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1 (800) 391-4950



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